My heart says: The world out there is only as beautiful as you make it in here."
The human voice vibrates in its own way in every person.
The vibration of a voice depends on various factors, such as state of mind, intention, life experience or body shape, to name just a few.
Allow my voice to work on you and if you resonate with it, you can find free audio files of relaxation exercises and guided meditations here.

Deep Body Relaxation
It can be so beneficial when the whole body, from top to toe, can relax. A full body exercise, 'body scan', is available here for you to do whenever you want to treat yourself.
Let my voice guide you into deep relaxation. Isn't it nice when you give yourself some time out for yourself and your body?!
Awareness in healthy doses 'to go':

Breathing Meditation
I am convinced that meditation can change your whole life in a positive way.
The following breathing meditation with separate introduction is also for those of you who have not yet found it so easy to engage in meditation.
Only 15 - 20 minutes of meditation every day are enough, in my view, to produce a significant change in the system (body-mind-spirit) after just a few weeks.
Get involved in this short breathing meditation for at least four weeks and look forward to your increased well-being: